Figure INF-12 Notified cases of hepatitis B in injecting drug users, EU countries where data are available – Part (ii) Indexed trend for numbers of hepatitis B notifications related to injecting drug use, 1995 to 2004


Absolute numbers indexed - for each country the average number of cases is displayed as 100. 

Data for England and Wales are not national level. 

¹ - Data are laboratory reports and not notifications.

Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia have supplied data, which cannot be shown reliably as an indexed trend, with less than 40 cases over the entire period.

A = acute cases

AC = acute and chronic cases

Raw numbers from which the index is calculated can be obtained from Table INF-6 part (i).

See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page.


Reitox national focal points.

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