Figure PPP-3 Indexed trends in EU retail prices for major drug types, adjusting for inflation, 1999 to 2004


The trends represent the available information on national street-level prices for each drug in the EU Member States and Norway, weighted by country population sizes to form an overall EU trend. Prices have been adjusted for national inflation rates (base year 1999) and all series indexed to a base of 100 in 1999.

Many countries cannot supply these data, which are difficult to obtain and often unreliable and incomplete. Countries missing drug price information for two or more consecutive years are not included in the trend calculations for the drug: the trend for heroin brown is based on 9 countries, amphetamine on 9, cocaine on 13, ecstasy on 13, herbal cannabis on 13, and cannabis resin on 14.

Additionally, where 2004 data are missing (11 cases) 2003 prices are used; for missing 1999 data (1 case) 2000 prices are used; data missing for other years (12 cases) have been interpolated from adjacent years.

For further details on 2004 prices, see Table PPP-1 to Table PPP-4 in the statistical bulletin.

See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page.


Price data : Reitox National Focal Points.

Inflation and population data:

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